divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Activity 7 - Create a Wiki

The aim of this exercise was to create a Wiki and get familiarised with it. In order for anyone to know how the Wiki world works, I have attached a couple of introductory youtubes:

It was a group activity and we divided the work into different parts. Here is the link to our final result: http://listkids.pbworks.com/w/page/38156221/FrontPage

As we wanted a funny and catchy wiki, we included lots of photos and several videos. The wiki was divided into different parts (i.e. songs for children, tales, songs for teenagers, among others) and the major objective was that primary non-English students learned English as Foreign Language.

The following videos show examples of how the wiki was structured:

We have not developed these activities yet due to time limitations, but we are completely sure that several activities can be created with these materials.

In relation to the structure, we created an easy and simple wiki, so that both administrators and users could surf the wiki without no problem.

Finally, I attach a photo of the Front Page of the wiki:

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