dissabte, 21 de maig del 2011

Activity 12 - Hot Potatoes

The aim of this activity was to create different exercises by using Hot Potatoes. In general terms, the Hot Potatoes software is a combination of five applications that give the user the opportunity to create exercises for the web. The applications are JCloze, JCross, JMatch, JMix and JQuiz. There is also another application which allows the user to compile all the activities into one single unit.

I created three different activities, but they were all related to a single vocabulary topic: Traffic. These exercises were more difficult than activity 11, and, thus, they were basically addressed to B2 students. Let us have a look at the different parts:

(A) Gap-fill / Cloze test exercise: A gap-fill test or cloze test is an activity which consists of a text with certain words that are removed. Participants were required to replace the missing words. In this case, the text was about "Traffic in our cities". Students could click on the "check" button to know the answers or use the "hint" button to get a free letter if an answer was unknown. Finally, there was also a [?] button to get a clue. In all the activities, a time regulator was included. Here is an image of the webpage:

(B) Matching exercise: In this activity, students were supposed to match the contexts with the correct vocabulary word. Students clicked on the responses in the white cell. Here is picture of the webpage:

(C) Traffic vocabulary crossword: A crossword exercise is a word puzzle activity that takes the form of white and shaded squares. Students were asked to fill the white squares with letters, forming words related to traffic vocabulary. They could click on the "check" button to know the answers or the "hint" button to get a free letter. Here is activity:

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