divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Activity 6 - Evaluating WebSites

Name of website:
British Council: Learn English Kids
Website address:
Who created the materials?
The British Council
Appropriate student level /age group:
This webpage is basically addressed to begginers and elementary kids of English as Foregin Language.
• Presentation (layout and additional features like multimedia):
This webpage is organised according to different areas of language learning. There is a home section in which users can choose among songs, games, jokes, tongue twists, and so on. As it is an extensive webpage, we have selected the song section in the listen and watch label.
• Content (feedback, explanations, exam practice, ...):
Activity songs have an introduction so as the user knows what to do. Each song offers you the possibility to read the lyrics and it even gives you the sheet music in case you want to play it with the flute.
• Positive Points:
·         Colourful WebPages, it is ideal for children.
·         The website provides activities related to the songs.
·         The songs provided are the typical nursery rhymes learnt at school. So, they are really suitable for kids.
·         The sheet music for the song is provided.
·         There are no advertisements.
• Negative Points:
·         It is time-consuming, since you have to download both the songs and the activities

Would you recommend this site? Give three reasons to support your answer.
·         The institution which created this webpage has prestige and it is reliable.
·         Activities are pedagogical and children-focused
·         Activities are not just focused on listening to the song, but the webpage also offers resources and activities so as children can sing and play the song.
• Name of bwesite:
Randall´s ESL Cyber Listening Lab
• Website address:
• Who created the materials?
The person who created these materials is Randall Davis; a man who studied Brigham Young University a degree in Spanish education. He has worked in a variety of teaching and training positions, and teaching English as a second language.
Appropriate student level /age group.
From intermediate to advanced level. There are Easy, medium, difficult and very difficult listening.
Presentation (layout and additional features like multimedia):
At both sides there are columns with Learning opportunities, Culture videos, Info about the website, Teacher resources, Randall’s Blog, how to use the site and Language software.
• Content (feedback, explanations, exam practice, ...):
In the middle there are Listening quizes, Basic Listening quizes, Listening quizes for academic purposes, 20-minute ESL Vocabulary Lessons, Language Learning and Life Tips and Long conversations with real RealVideo
• Positive Points:
·         There are useful tips for students.
·         Students can learn on their own because the web corrects the answers.
·         They can see videos.

• Negative Points:
·         There are Google Advertisements in the middle of the page.
·         Difficult distribution of the page.
Would you recommend this site? Give three reasons to support your answer.
·         The person who created it is reliable.
·         There are good exercises to do on one’s own.
·         It is not only about listening, it also has Language help, Study handouts, Vocabulary quizzes...

• Name of website:
Starfall’s learn to read with phonics
• Website address:
• Who created the materials?
Starfall Education
• Appropriate student level /age group:
It is basically appropriate for elementary or beginner students of English as Foreign Language.
• Presentation (layout and additional features like multimedia):
Audiovisual (videos, listening, reading…sometimes all of them together).
• Content (feedback, explanations, exam practice, ...):
Short, very clear pronunciation and occasionally lyrics to allow students to repeat the content themselves and to practise on their own
• Positive Points:                
·         Very animated, colourful, with funny videos and pictures
·         Variety of topics
·         Very well structured in each of its section: alphabetically, by topics, by colours, by level
·         Vocabulary introduced in a meaningful way, within a context
·         Interaction with students
·         Clear pronunciation and words on screen               
·         Up-to-date     
·         Exercises      
• Negative Points:
·         Some stories do not have sound but only the script and images
Would you recommend this site? Give three reasons to support your answer.
·         Because it allows the students to learn vocabulary from many fields.
·         In addition, they can interact with the materials by, for example, choosing the day it is in the “Make a calendar” activity or choosing the option they wish in other games.
·         Rather than lexicon, this site reinforces reading properly thus introducing a fairly complicated aspect of the English language to children in a funny way, with stories and pictures that enable them to slowly but safely learn the correspondences letter-sound.
·         Lots of easy, short exercises working with visual memory. For instance, the ones about making the word/s (by combining the letters that are given) matching the picture that appears. Moreover, this is accompanied with the pronunciation of each of the letters and of the whole word.
·         Some of the activities allow visitors to evaluate them.

Name of website:
 Learn English Online
Website address:
Who created the materials?
It is not specified in the Webpage
Appropriate student level /age group:
This Webpage is appropriate for teenagers
Presentation: (layout and additional features like multimedia):
It is a simple website where the student can find different labels including the listening part. Inside this one, you can choose between music and radio. There are songs and to work on and radio links to listen to the most famous radios in English.
Content (feedback, explanations, exam practice, …):
On the one hand, you can improve your listening skills by listening to the most popular songs in English. Music videos from youtube are included as well as the lyrics where students must fill in gaps. Each song works on a certain grammatical aspect (e.g. Present perfect, conditional, how much/how many) and there is a brief explanation about it. On the other hand, students can listen to online radio programmes featuring news, sports and music.

Positive Points:
·         Web page is updated with popular songs from the past but also from now.
·         Interesting activity which may motivate students.
·         Apart from doing a listening exercise, students work also with grammatical content.
Negative Points
·         The list of songs is not too long, there are around 40 songs.
·         Not all of them have a specific part for grammar.

Would you recommend this site? Give three reasons to support your answer.

·         Because students will work on two different areas at the same time (listening and grammar) without even realise it.
·         Songs will catch their attention and will not be as boring as the other typical English lesson with the tape and the exercise.

• Name of website:
Audio stories and fairy tales for children
• Website address:
• Who created the materials?
It is not specified in the Website.
• Appropriate student level /age group
This webpage is basically appropriate for elementary, intermediate and low intermediate students.
• Presentation (layout and additional features like multimedia):         
• Content (feedback, explanations, exam practice, ...):             
Short, very clear pronunciation and occasionally lyrics to allow students to repeat the content themselves and to practise on their own
• Positive Points:
·         Colourful, funny videos and pictures
·         Variety of topics
·         Vocabulary introduced in a meaningful way, within a context                                           
Negative Points:
·         Some links may take a bit longer to load
·         Not ordered alphabetically
·         Not all of them have subtitles
Would you recommend this site? Give three reasons to support your answer.
ü  Because there are quite a few of sites that can cover whichever topic the children could be interested in. They are all introduced by means of short stories that entertain them while making them learn the new items of vocabulary related to the each specific topic. Students can learn and have fun at a time, thus implementing self-learning and encouraging them to work autonomously.

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