dissabte, 21 de maig del 2011

Activity 13 - Blogs in Education. Create your own Blog

The goal of this activity was to create a Blog. As can be seen, my blog is now a reality. In this part, I will only focus on some specific aspects which I consider really interesting for anyone who wants to have a Blog. In order to create a blog, I used Blogger, a blog-publishing service that is nowadays part of Google.

Once you are registred, you can create your own blog. I attach here the general overview of the blog I have done:

Let us have a look at the most remarkable points which I considered interesting in Blogger:

1) Calendar: is a useful device in Blogger. It is easy to insert and practical. There are a couple of ways to attach a Calendar in Blogger as a gadget: from Google and from the Blogger itself.  I just focus on the latter: first of all, click on the "Design" label at the top-right of the page. Then, click on the "add gadget" label where you want to have the calendar. Finally, click on the label on the right which says "add more Google gadgets" and select the calendar option. Here are the steps in an image sequence:

2) Other design gadgets: As already seen above, gadgets in blogger are devices the user wants to have in his/her personal blog. There is a huge amount of different gadgets available on Blogger.
I used 4 different gadgets: 

(i) Logotip
(ii) Personal Information
(iii) Daily Calendar
(iv) Index

3) How to insert images / links and vokis: Blogger has the possibility to insert images, links, youtubes or even vokis. In order to insert images, click on the insert image label and select the image you want to upload. For links, click on the link label and write the webpage link. To upload Youtubes, click on the insert video label and search for the video you want. 

Finally, Vokis can also be uploaded in the blog. In order to insert a Voki, go to www.voki.com
and click on the publish voki now. Here is an image:

Then, copy the embed code to the HTML of your blog and the voki will appear once you publish the message. Here is the voki I inserted:

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