divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Activity 3 - Language Learning Strategies. Desing an Activity

These activities are prepared to be carried out in class. They are divided into three different parts: a pre-listening group of warming up activities, a while-listening activities and a post-listening activity. The aim of these exercises is to practise the listening skill. Here is the schedule.

LEVEL: Pre-intermediate

AGE: Young adults (18-20)


(a)       Pre-listening activities: In order to prepare students for the listening, the teacher starts doing an activity related to the summer holidays. He can ask students sentences such as Where did you go last summer for holidays? Was it good? Did you have any trouble?, etc. As can be seen, this is a revision for both the use of the past simple (regular and irregular verbs) and the vocabulary connected with holidays. In addition, the teacher introduces the topic to the students.

(b)         While listening activities[1]: These are three short activities where students have to deal with a listening. Students can listen to the conversation up to three times (i.e. the first listening is to get the general idea for activity 1; the second one is a detailed listening in order to answer activity 2 and, finally, after completing the third activity, students listen to the conversation once more so as to check their answers).

1.    Listen to the story about Sean’s uncle and aunt. Why was the holiday a disaster?

a)    Because the weather was awful
b)    Because the place was very noisy.
c)    Because they argued a lot.

2.    Listen again. Are the sentences true or false?

a)    Sean’s uncle and aunt went to Ibiza.
b)    They’re about seventeen.
c)    They wanted an exciting holiday.
d)    They don’t usually spend their holidays abroad.
e)    They knew it was “The Party Island”.
f)     They first went there in the 1960s.
g)    They booked the holiday at a travel agent’s.
h)   The hotel was in a quiet part of town.
i)     They’re going to stay at home next year.

3.    With a partner, complete the following part of the listening with the words and expressions in the box. Then, listen and check your answers.

cafés             relaxing holiday                    go abroad             beaches(x2) booked a hotel                              party island                             restaurants countryside                                   flights                                           peaceful island

S   And they wanted a quiet holiday, a ______________________ – you know. They like walking in the ______________________, sitting on quiet _______________, things like that. They don’t ___________________ very often, but they wanted to do something different.

P   So why did they choose Ibiza? It’s the ________________________.

S   Yes, it is now but they didn’t know that. You see, they first went to Ibiza in the late sixties, when it was a beautiful, _________________________ with traditional _______________ and __________________________, deserted _____________________. And this was exactly what they wanted. So they look on the Internet –my uncle loves his computer– and they _________________________ for a week in the same part of the island where they’d been before. And they found some cheap _____________. It all seemed so perfect.

(c)          Post-listening: After doing the listening task, the teacher may ask them to write a composition about their last holiday with the vocabulary provided.

[1] These activities are taken and adapted from the book Pre-Intermediate New English File.

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