divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Activity 2 - Language Learning Strategies. Analysing a WebSite: Language Learning Advisor

Here is the link to the specific WebSite we had to analyse: http://www.language-learning-advisor.com/.
Module I was a virtual, didactic course where a teacher guided students how to learn English. So, it was not clearly autonomous learning. In this website, on the other hand, an approach to independent autonomous learning is provided. The author gives several tips to master a second language. It reflects that whenever learning a second language, two different aspects must be taken into account. There is a theoretical view to language X and a social part. The author tries to combine both approaches so that learners can succeed.
Although some of the suggestions are clear, common sense and practical, the main problem we see when using this approach is that students will never be corrected, that is to say, there is no much feedback (i.e. although the student makes mistakes, no one will correct him/her explicitly. Therefore, the student may speak comfortable and fluent, but with lots of errors).

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