divendres, 20 de maig del 2011

Activity 11 - Design a Listening Activity (and create your own sound file using VOKI or Audacity)

The aim of this activity was twofold. On the one hand, I designed a listening activity based on both the VOKI and the Audacity programmes. On the other, I applied the key issues I mentioned in the previous exercise so that I could realise whether they were fine or not.

Before presenting the activity, I think that having the link to these webpages will be really useful, so here they go:
In relation to the content, students were supposed to practise the listening skill by revising the vocabulary of animals and their sounds. As can be seen, these group of elementary activities are addressed to children whose age is between 6 and 8. Here is the structure:

1)     Warmer: In order to introduce the topic to the students and to catch their attention, the teacher asks students to say aloud several animal words. While students answer the questions, the teacher writes up the words (e.g. cat, dog, owl, elephant, tiger, etc.)

In this warm-up, students brainstorm vocabulary about animals and produce output.

2)     Before listening to the song: The teacher explains to them that they are going to listen to a song about animals they know and the sounds these animals make. After this introduction, the teacher passes around a sheet of paper in which they fill in the missing words. Students can work in pairs. Here is the activity:

(A) Look at the pictures and label them

After this first activity, the teacher shows students what a Voki is. Then, he tells the students that Mr. Pepi, which is a frog, is going to sing a song for them. Here is Mr. Pepi:

3)        While listening to the song: the teacher plays the track and Pepi sings the song about animal sounds. The teacher can play the song twice and students can sing as well.

4)        After listening: Once the song is finished, the teacher writes up the sounds the animals make (e.g. woof, moo, tweet, oink, etc.) and students repeat the words so that they can familiarise these new words. After that, students complete the second half of the worksheet in which there are a couple of activities. Finally, the teacher plays the song for the last time and everyone sings. Let us have a look at the activities:

(B) Listen the song and match the sentences:

The cow                                                                   to whit to whooo

The dog                               GOES                                     oink

The cat                                                                               squeak

The owl                                                                              woof

The duck                                                                            meow

The bird                               SAYS                                     tweet

The pig                                                                               moo

The mouse                                                                         quack

(C) Listen to the song again and fill in the gaps with the words in the box:

  woof          cow          quack          whit          cat          goes          Oink          mouse

The dog goes _________
The ________ goes moo, moo, moo, moo
The duck goes ________
The owl says to __________ to whoo

The _________ goes meow, meow, meow, meow
The bird ___________ tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet
The pig goes ____________
The little _________ says squeak, squeak squeak, squeak

These are the sounds that the animals make
These are the sounds that the animals make

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